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TiCu Clad (en)

Since more than 30 years we have experience in the production of titani- um cladded copper bars by compound extrusion. This technique was co-deve- loped by us and perfected. It guaran- tees an optimal metallurgical bondage between copper core and titanium mantle. The TiCuClad material is generally used in electrochemistry, in chlor-alkali- ne electrolysis, in galvanizing lines, in chromium-plating baths and wherever high corrosion protection and high cur- rent-carrying capacities are required. TiCuClad for the enviroment Due to increasingly more strict environmental requirements as well as expensive waste dispo- sal the market demands more environmentally friendly technologies. For example: TiCuClad anodes have a distinct advantage allowing a more environmentally friendly hard- and bright chro- mium-plating in fluoride free electrolytes by avoiding the pro- duction af hazardous waste like lead chromate which is usually produced by chromium plating in sulphuric acid electrolytes! Thermal shock test During the test process, a sample is annealed at a temperature of 520°C for a period of one hour and then subject to water quenching in a basin. This process is repeated up to forty times. The tests of TiCuClad do not show any impair- ment regarding quality of the metallurgical bond. As a result, the Clad material bars can be direct- ly coated with iridium, platinum or mixed oxides, since this process requires thermal treatment with many cycles at high temperatures. Product tests The application of high quality TiCuClad com- pound material is even highly economical: No extraordinary disturbances will arise and the life time ist multiple times higher than using non- compound material! Torsion test The quality of Clad materials can be demonstra- ted with a torsion test. During this test strips of the material are taken out of the bond zone and twisted around their own axis several times. Clad materials of high quality must not demon- strate any separation of material after the test. TiCuClad is a metallurgical Clad material of high quality where no impairment of the bon- ding materials will occur. Based on the results of the torsion test, TiCuClad can even be used with relatively small bending radii. Both cold and hot bendings can be optimally carried out. Applications •Dimensionally stable anode in chlor-alkaline- electrolysis •Current supply in tinning lines for steel strips •Current supply in galvanizing lines for steel strips •Current supply in electrolysis plants/metal recovery •Coated titanium anode for chromium-plating •Electrode for cathodic corrosion protection Over 30 years of experience Quality 2 3 RZ UP 6 Seiter Engl.07 30.03.2007 13:36 Uhr Seite 1 23 RZ UP 6 Seiter Engl.0730.03.200713:36 Uhr Seite 1

