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Hockey Sticks (en)

Just Your Luck! As a solution to this problem we offer the TiCu Clad® UP process. High quality corrosion protection The sophisticated and expensive titanium cladding is no longer removed today but rather used as high quality corrosion protection. Even extremely corroded power connections can today be repaired inexpensively and lastingly with the UP process. Well-known users worldwide are already bene- fiting from this possibility. We will gladly quote references on request. Voltage drop and resistance Text:When the voltage drop is calculated only the cladding thickness of the titanium (0.5 – 2.0 mm) is entered into the equation as the value for length. The result is a very low electrical resistance and hence a very low voltage drop. With a cladding thickness of 0.5 mm the voltage drop is often only in the mV range. The costs incurred by the voltage drop are significantly lower than those caused by the corrosion damage on the exposed connections of the current-carrying TiCu Clad® anodes.
