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EDT Electrodes (en)

IN electrodes are made from blocks of one of several types of ultra pure copper, either E-Cu, SE-Cu, or OF-Cu. These copper blocks are hot extruded to create a precise profile, resulting in the shape of the IN electrode. This procedure makes it possible to produce a homogeneous structure free from air, oxide or slag inclusions, gas bubbles, or other inhomogeneities. Such impurities could drastically affect the electrical conductivity at different points, which could have adverse effects on the texturing results and lead to “banding”. Conventional electrodes from other suppliers are made by using a powder-metallurgical procedure. In this procedure, copper powder of a certain grain size is brought into a mold under high temperature and high pressure and sintered under inert gas conditions (Hot Isostatic Pressing- HIP). dimensionally stable seal IN Electrodes 6 40 26

